CHP-C Wood Pellet Stove Combustor Gravity Feed Rocket Stove; for RV, boat, yurt, tent, cabin, tiny house, etc...
An all stainless model is available for use in salt water or other caustic environments
The CHP-C is ideal where space and weight are a concern.
With it's high power thermal output and low emissions it is ideal for converting biomass into electricity and heat similar to how combined heat and power plant generating stations work but on a smaller and portable scale.
It measures just 3x3x24" tall and weighs just 10#! It can be wall or pedestal or custom mounted with its 6 generic 1\4" threaded mount holes.
It has a 3" ID chimney outlet, and should be installed with at least 6' of vertical chimney pipe to vent it outside
It requires no electricity to operate. However it can spin your power meeter backwards with net metering. Or operate your off grid homestead.
It stainless core burns efficient and clean at over 2000 F, and the CHP-C can produce from a mere 3000 to as much as 20,000 BTU per hour. Allowing one 40# bag to burn from 1 to 6 days!
We are nearing the completion of our 400 watt TEG thermal electric boiler bell that attaches to the modular CHP pellet stove. It is capeable of generating up to 9.6 KWH kilowatt hours of electricity per day. To give that perspective that is enough energy to drive an EV electric car like a leaf, bolt, or Tesla; almost 50 miles per day free!
We will be debuting this technology at the green heat wood stove challenge this November in Washington DC: